Wednesday, 4 March 2009


Let's share our experiences in our different countries. How do you recycle? Make your comments here.


Filo said...

I always have newspapers at home. I keep them during the week and I throw them on the weekend.
The bin to recycle paper in my street is about 100 metres from my house. It is blue and it is always full.
The recycling company doesn't pick up the paper very often.Sometimes people leave the cardboard boxes next to the bin in the street because there is no room.

Anonymous said...

En la semana cultural, para hacer una actividad de reciclable, hicieron una botella muy grande y eso lo hicieron con botellas usadas,esa botella grande se utilizo de decoracion. La actividad se llamaba "botellon".

Anonymous said...

We recycle paper,cardboard,glass,batteries. In the primary school of Esparragalejo and La garrovilla there are containers for recycle. We carry the paper, etc there. Also we can carry used oil.
Leonor and Verónica.

Anonymous said...

El reciclaje en casa,se tira la basura cada una a su sitio.Cada basura a su contenedor indicado ej el carton al contenedor azul elvidrio al verde redondo y el resto, a los contenedores normales.

Anonymous said...

In the cultaral week,my friends did a botellon.
They did the botellon made of bottles.The teacher
was Marisa. It was very very funny.We also made
a batuka with metal bucket.


Anonymous said...

We recycle almost always glass, bottels, cardboards bosx and paper.
The container for glass is green, and the paper container is blue.
Container for bottels is always full.
Containers are very close to our house in a big footpath.
Maria Luisa and Maria Victoria.

Anonymous said...

we were playing the batukada with instrument recycled.
With JAVI,the music teacher of the batukada.
The batukada went very good.And everyone was very hapy.

Anonymous said...

I have some friends who live in Proserpina. They always complain that there aren't any blue containers in the area so they have to take their old newspapers to Mérida. More blue containers needed!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Instead of using a paper napkin I can use a fabric napkin.
Insted of using a plactic cup I can use glass cups.
Insted of buying fruit in plastic containers I can buy fruit at a local greengrocer's.


Anonymous said...

I have habit of classifing the rubbish in three container.

1- In container blue, cardboard and paper.
2- In container green, glass.
3- In container brown, rubbish organic.

Marco Castillejo and Juan Carlos Gómez