Wednesday 25 March 2009


WaterAid is an international charity. WaterAid and its partners use practical solutions to provide safe water, effective sanitation and hygiene education to the world’s poorest people.
Watch this slideshow: Water around the world.
Then, play the water family game to learn how to use water wisely.

Task ( Tarea ): Keep a water diary for a week. Write down all the ways you use water. Estimate how many litres you use.

Friday 6 March 2009

La facture de gaz et électricité

Demande à tes parents le montant de la facture de gaz et électicité de chaque mois.
Est-ce qu'ils payent le même montant tous les mois?
Est-ce que vous consommez plus d'électricité en eté ou en hiver?
Qu'est-ce que tu proposes pour économiser de l'énergie?

Thursday 5 March 2009


Con esta sencilla actividad aprenderás a separar y reciclar desde tu propia casa. Métete en la Pequeweb de Reciclín (Biodiversidad) pinchando en ésta página.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Did you know...?

There are simple tips we can follow to save water at home. For example: Water in which your mum has washed the vegetables and fruits can be used to water the flowers and potted plants.

If you know any other ways of saving water, write them in comments.


Let's share our experiences in our different countries. How do you recycle? Make your comments here.